Friday, September 14, 2018

Week of September 17th-21st

See the source imageProgress reports will go home on Monday.  Please sign and return.

Our monthly SAC meeting will take place on Tuesday in the Media Center at 6PM.  I hope to see some of our parents there (Ms. Tiberio) 😊

Fall Pictures on Wednesday!!  Bring your best smile!

See the source image


ELA:  This week we will move on to list #2 for our Morphs.  We will have this test on
Friday, 2/21.

We will have the following new work jobs which will be due on September 28.
A new RRJ with a chat.
Social Studies Ticket

RAH's are due every Thursday!  

On Thursday/Friday  we will begin our novel study of Esperanze Rising!  If you purchased the novel please be sure to bring it next week! 
Esperanza Rising

The bin of happiness winner for last week was Cole!  Congratulations!
The new secret phrase is:

See the source image
Write it on a sticky note and give it to Mrs. Ray for your chance to go to the Bin of Happiness!

Math:  We will begin Module 2 this week.  We will look at multiplying whole numbers.  We will also look at PEMDAS and the order of operations.
See the source image

Science: We will complete 2 labs this week that will teach us how to separate mixtures.  We will also review the scientific method.

Tuesday- Art/Music

Friday- P.E./Music

Monday- Art
Tuesday- P.E.
Thursday- Music
Friday- P.E.

Module 2 Lesson 1:

Module 2 Lesson 2:

Module 2 Lesson 3:

Module 2 Lesson 5:

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