Sunday, January 27, 2019

Week of January 28th-February 1st

See the source image

We will send home a class list of student names if your child would like to make Valentines for the class.  This is not required, but we do ask that if your child does make Valentines that they include everyone in their homeroom.


ELA:  We did  not end up having Morphs last week due to our Field Trip and Early Release.  We will resume this week with List #7.  The test will be CUMULATIVE! 🙆

We will continue our work jobs from last week. RRJ and Social Studies ticket both due Friday. 2/1
Our new LAFS reading focus will be Understanding Supporting Details.  We will have a test on this on Friday. We will also color code our Writing Prompt about Finger Prints and revise and write reflections. 
Last week's bin of happiness winner was: Audrey!
New Phrase for a chance at HAPPINESS:

Image result for literacy quote clip art

Math:  We will look at multiplication as scaling. Follow these steps below to be successful!  Lessons 20, 21, 22, 25, & 26

Science:  We will talk about how plants respond to stimuli such as: gravity, light and heat.  We will then discuss the differences between flowering and non-flowering plants.  We will have an assessment on plants one day this week-- probably Friday! :) We will move onto the human body next.

Wednesday- Art

Tuesday- Art
Friday- Media/Music (be sure to return library books)

Lesson 20:

Lesson 21

Lesson 22:

Lesson 25:

Lesson 26:

Friday, January 18, 2019

Week of January 21st-25th

No School on Monday in observation of MLK, Jr. Day.
Image result for martin luther king day 2019

We will be going to Twin Lakes on Tuesday. Students will be back in time to eat lunch at school.  Middle School Information Night will take place on Tuesday evening at 6PM.  We hope you will come to learn about your options for middle school!

Image result for field trip

Early Release on Wednesday.


ELA: We will be working on list #7 from our Morphs with a test on Friday. This one will be cumulative from all lists.

We will have a new social studies ticket due on 2/1.  We will also have a new RRJ due on 2/1 with a chat.  The I-Ready Reading lesson this week will be using multiple sources to better understand text.
For writing we will be color coding and reflecting and editing writing from last week.

Bin of Happiness Winner from last week is Noah!

Here is our new secret phrase! This is our Super Eagle of the Month trait!
See the source image
Math:  We will continue to multiply fractions, we will also look at word problems involving fraction multiplication and continue to look at conversions.  Lessons 14, 15, 16, & 19.  Videos below for homework help.

ScienceCloud Finder and Weather Report homework due on Thursday!!  We will continue our discussions about plant parts and their function.

See the source image

Tuesday- Music/ Art
R- Music/P.E.

Tuesday- P.E. (we will miss due to field trip)
Thursday- Music
Friday- P.E.
Lesson 14

Lesson 15

Lesson 16:

Lesson 19:

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Week of January 14th-18th

Report cards will be sent home on Monday!
Image result for clip art about report cards

Both classes will have media this week, be sure to return all library books.

Plan to join us for Middle School Information Night on Tuesday, January 22nd at 6PM in the cafeteria.  Representatives from several magnet schools will be in attendance.


ELA: This week we will continue with the same work jobs.  RRJ and SS ticket are both due on Friday, 1/18.  We will have new morphs this week from list #6!  This one will be cumulative from all previous lists #1-6!

Friday we will have our Morphs test as well as an Interim Assessment in our I-Ready reading book on the skills we have been working on: literary structure, point of view, and figurative language.

We will work on a timed informative prompt, spending 30 minutes each day on it for a total of 2 hours. This will help prepare us for the FSA timed writing test.

This week our secret phrase is:

 Image result for clip art about details
Write it down on a sticky note and give to Mrs. Ray for a chance to go to the Bin of Happiness!

Math:  We will continue to write expressions using fractions, and solve word problems involving fractions.  We will have a mid-module assessment on Wednesday.  Gifted students can take on Tuesday or Thursday. See videos below for homework help.

Science:  We will discuss different climate zones this week.  We will have a test on Weather and the Water Cycle on Wednesday.  Students should be keeping up with their weather report and could finder homework.  It is due on January 24th.  We will begin plants on Friday.

See the source image

Tuesday- Media
Wednesday- P.E.

Monday- Media
Tuesday- Music
Friday- Art

Module 4 Lesson 10:

Module 4 Lesson 11

Module 4 Lesson 12:

Module 4 Lesson 13:

Module 4 Lesson 14:

Module 4 Lesson 15:

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Week of January 7th-11th

See the source imageWe hope everyone enjoyed the long winter break!!

Just a reminder, there is no school Monday, January 7th-- this is a teacher planning day.  Report cards will be sent home on Monday, January 14th.

Wednesday will be an early release day. 

The following students will attend the science fair field trip on Wednesday and need to bring a bag lunch-- Garland, Cole, Andrew, and Katie.

Please return all Twin Lakes Field Trip forms!!  Plan to join us for Middle School Information Night on January 22nd at 6:00 PM in the cafeteria.  Several different middle schools will be in attendance!


: Welcome Back!  We will be working on list #5 of our Morphs this week with a quiz on Friday. We will have a social studies ticket on life in the 1960s and an RRJ due 1/18/19.  We will be studying literary structure and point of view in our I-Ready Reading Book.
We will also start talking about Informative and Explanatory Writing and have another timed writing prompt next week.We are making great progress on our writing!
Image result for clip art for writing

Math:  We will be multiplying fractions this week and writing expressions using fractions. See videos below for further lesson explanations.

Science:  We will begin the water cycle this week.  We will also discuss the different types of clouds.  Students will need to watch the news for the local weather report and record the different types of clouds they see throughout the week.
See the source image

Tuesday- P.E.
Wednesday- Music
Friday- Art

Wednesday- P.E.
Thursday- Art

Module 4 Lesson 7: Tuesday

Module 4 Lesson 8: Thursday

Module 4 Lesson 9: Friday