Sunday, January 27, 2019

Week of January 28th-February 1st

See the source image

We will send home a class list of student names if your child would like to make Valentines for the class.  This is not required, but we do ask that if your child does make Valentines that they include everyone in their homeroom.


ELA:  We did  not end up having Morphs last week due to our Field Trip and Early Release.  We will resume this week with List #7.  The test will be CUMULATIVE! 🙆

We will continue our work jobs from last week. RRJ and Social Studies ticket both due Friday. 2/1
Our new LAFS reading focus will be Understanding Supporting Details.  We will have a test on this on Friday. We will also color code our Writing Prompt about Finger Prints and revise and write reflections. 
Last week's bin of happiness winner was: Audrey!
New Phrase for a chance at HAPPINESS:

Image result for literacy quote clip art

Math:  We will look at multiplication as scaling. Follow these steps below to be successful!  Lessons 20, 21, 22, 25, & 26

Science:  We will talk about how plants respond to stimuli such as: gravity, light and heat.  We will then discuss the differences between flowering and non-flowering plants.  We will have an assessment on plants one day this week-- probably Friday! :) We will move onto the human body next.

Wednesday- Art

Tuesday- Art
Friday- Media/Music (be sure to return library books)

Lesson 20:

Lesson 21

Lesson 22:

Lesson 25:

Lesson 26:

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