Friday, January 18, 2019

Week of January 21st-25th

No School on Monday in observation of MLK, Jr. Day.
Image result for martin luther king day 2019

We will be going to Twin Lakes on Tuesday. Students will be back in time to eat lunch at school.  Middle School Information Night will take place on Tuesday evening at 6PM.  We hope you will come to learn about your options for middle school!

Image result for field trip

Early Release on Wednesday.


ELA: We will be working on list #7 from our Morphs with a test on Friday. This one will be cumulative from all lists.

We will have a new social studies ticket due on 2/1.  We will also have a new RRJ due on 2/1 with a chat.  The I-Ready Reading lesson this week will be using multiple sources to better understand text.
For writing we will be color coding and reflecting and editing writing from last week.

Bin of Happiness Winner from last week is Noah!

Here is our new secret phrase! This is our Super Eagle of the Month trait!
See the source image
Math:  We will continue to multiply fractions, we will also look at word problems involving fraction multiplication and continue to look at conversions.  Lessons 14, 15, 16, & 19.  Videos below for homework help.

ScienceCloud Finder and Weather Report homework due on Thursday!!  We will continue our discussions about plant parts and their function.

See the source image

Tuesday- Music/ Art
R- Music/P.E.

Tuesday- P.E. (we will miss due to field trip)
Thursday- Music
Friday- P.E.
Lesson 14

Lesson 15

Lesson 16:

Lesson 19:

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