Sunday, January 26, 2020

Week of January 27th-31st

This week we will celebrate literacy week!!  Be sure to ask your child about all of the events that are planned this week.

Field trip money is due by 2/3 for the IMAX field trip!  Also, permission slips went home for our visit to Twin Lakes on Monday.  No payment is required but they need to be signed and returned, ASAP.

Early Release on Wednesday.


ELA: We will have Morphs this week! List #8 with a test on Friday.  We will also finish up our Drone writing prompt.  RRJs and chats should be wrapped up this week along with our social studies ticket.  Our ready skill is working with unfamiliar words with a test on Friday.


Science:  We will begin to discuss weather, climate, and types of clouds this week. I am very proud of our kids PMA scores for science!!  They are rocking! :)

Tuesday- Art
Wednesday- Music

Monday- P.E.
Friday- Art

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Week of January 20th-24th

No School on Monday in observance of Martin Luther King Day!

Reminder to send in field trip money for the IMAX.  The cost is $19.  Money is due on Feb. 3rd.

Middle School Information Night will be on Wednesday, January 22nd at 6 PM in the cafeteria.  Plan to attend to hear from the various middle schools your child has the option to attend.

Just announced FSA testing dates!  Please make note! Please ensure your child is at school on these days.
  • ELA Writing Grades 4 & 5
    • Thursday, April 2nd
  • Grades 4 & 5 ELA Reading
    • Session 1 – Monday, May 4th
    • Session 2 – Tuesday, May 5th 
  • Grade 3 – 5 Mathematics
    • Session 1 – Thursday, May 7th
    • Session 2 – Friday, May 8th
  • Grade 5 – Science
    • Session 1 – Tuesday, May 12th
    • Session 2 – Wednesday, 13th


ELA: No Vocabulary this week due to it being a short week.  We will have data chats to review PMA scores.
RRJ is due this Friday with a chat.  New SS ticket will be due on 2/7 (People on the Move)
Friday we will complete an independent practice for text structure (cause and effect, compare and contrast) which will count as a test grade.
No secret phrase this week!  Check again next week!

Math:  We will have data chats this week to review mid year i-Ready and PMA data.  We will continue to work on multiplying and dividing fractions in module 4.

Science:  We will discuss our science PMA data.  We will also continue to work through the water cycle.

Image result for water cycle

Tuesday- Music
Wednesday- P.E.

Wednesday- Music
Thursday- Art

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Week of January 13th- 17th

Report cards will be sent home on Monday!  Please sign the slip and return in the envelope.

Students will continue Progress Monitor Testing.  They will complete Math & Science testing this week.

Field trip forms went home on Tuesday of last week for our upcoming trip to the IMAX.  Please sign and return the permission slip with payment by 2/3.

Students will take a field trip to Twin Lakes on February 4th.  We will the have the opportunity to tour the school and hear about all the exciting things going on for middle school.  This is a free field trip.


ELA: We will be continuing our study of text structure this week completing all parts of the Ready lessons 12 and 13.  We will also finish our SS ticket from last week to be due on Friday.
Our RRJ will be due on 1/24 with a chat! We will also complete our Ocean informative prompt this week on WOW!
The winner of the Bin of Happiness will be announced next week! :)

Math:  Due to PMA testing, we will only complete 2 lessons on fractions and division this week.  Students will continue to work on this months task card.  They are due on January 31st.

Science:  We will review for the PMA and begin the water cycle, and discussing weather.

Friday- Art/Media

Tuesday- Art
Thursday- P.E./Media

Friday, January 3, 2020

Week of January 6th-10th

Image result for happy new year

We hope everyone enjoyed their time off!  We look forward to finishing out the 2nd half of this school year!

Students will have Monday, January 6th off-- it will be a teacher planning day!

Students will be Progress Monitor Testing the next two weeks.  Students will complete an assessment in ELA, Math, & Science.


ELA: District PMAs for ELA will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday this week.  We will also begin Expository Writing and complete a new prompt this week for a grade.
We will complete a socials studies ticket on Thursday and our computer  day this week will be Friday.
New secret phrase is:
“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” 
Image result for heart clip art----Ralph Waldo Emerson

Math:  We will begin Module 4 this week,  this is a long unit that will cover multiplication and division of fractions.

Science:  We will discuss renewable and nonrenewable resources this week.  We will begin the Water Cycle on Monday.

Image result for renewable and nonrenewable resources

Thursday- Art/P.E.
Friday- Music

Wednesday- P.E.
Thursday- Music