Sunday, January 26, 2020

Week of January 27th-31st

This week we will celebrate literacy week!!  Be sure to ask your child about all of the events that are planned this week.

Field trip money is due by 2/3 for the IMAX field trip!  Also, permission slips went home for our visit to Twin Lakes on Monday.  No payment is required but they need to be signed and returned, ASAP.

Early Release on Wednesday.


ELA: We will have Morphs this week! List #8 with a test on Friday.  We will also finish up our Drone writing prompt.  RRJs and chats should be wrapped up this week along with our social studies ticket.  Our ready skill is working with unfamiliar words with a test on Friday.


Science:  We will begin to discuss weather, climate, and types of clouds this week. I am very proud of our kids PMA scores for science!!  They are rocking! :)

Tuesday- Art
Wednesday- Music

Monday- P.E.
Friday- Art

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