Sunday, January 12, 2020

Week of January 13th- 17th

Report cards will be sent home on Monday!  Please sign the slip and return in the envelope.

Students will continue Progress Monitor Testing.  They will complete Math & Science testing this week.

Field trip forms went home on Tuesday of last week for our upcoming trip to the IMAX.  Please sign and return the permission slip with payment by 2/3.

Students will take a field trip to Twin Lakes on February 4th.  We will the have the opportunity to tour the school and hear about all the exciting things going on for middle school.  This is a free field trip.


ELA: We will be continuing our study of text structure this week completing all parts of the Ready lessons 12 and 13.  We will also finish our SS ticket from last week to be due on Friday.
Our RRJ will be due on 1/24 with a chat! We will also complete our Ocean informative prompt this week on WOW!
The winner of the Bin of Happiness will be announced next week! :)

Math:  Due to PMA testing, we will only complete 2 lessons on fractions and division this week.  Students will continue to work on this months task card.  They are due on January 31st.

Science:  We will review for the PMA and begin the water cycle, and discussing weather.

Friday- Art/Media

Tuesday- Art
Thursday- P.E./Media

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