Sunday, August 30, 2020

Week of August 31-September 4

                                          Image result for celebrate images clip art 

Hooray! We have completed our first full week of school and everyone is adjusting beautifully! Our team was even chosen to be the first model for our fire drill last Thursday! We have been working on baseline testing and will continue this week with makeups and the science baseline.

Image result for cupcake imageWe have had parents asking about sending in treats for birthdays and have gotten word from our administration that treats are not allowed at this time. Hopefully, we will resume with being able to share goodies very soon! Thank you for your understanding and support in this matter.



Read At Home Logs are due Thursday!!! 

This week we will have our first vocabulary list.  We will be studying Morphs which consists of prefixes and affixes.  Our first test will be on Friday, 9/4/20 and students will be making flashcards this week to study the words. The test will consist of morphs from LIST 1 only but will be cumulative going forward.

We have a social studies ticket due on Friday, 9/4/20.  Our first RAH is due this Thursday and every Thursday following. The Reader's Response Journal was introduced last Friday and will be due in  2 weeks on 9/11/20.  This is a work job and class time will be devoted to completing these. I will be having RRJ chats with students this week to ensure understanding of the expectation! We began our study of Main Idea and will continue this all week with a quiz on Friday 9/4/20

                                           Image result for children reading clip art

Math:  We will be working with decimals this week.  We will work with decimals in standard form, expanded form, and word form.  We will also compare decimals using our prior knowledge of place value.  We will finish the week by rounding decimals.

Image result for decimal standard form, word form

Science:  We will complete the science baseline on Monday and Tuesday of this week.  This test is to see how much science knowledge your child already has, we will then use this data to prepare and instruct any deficits.  Then we will continue our studies of the scientific method.  Students can expect to have a science quiz on this topic on Friday

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