Sunday, January 31, 2021

Week of February 1st-5th


Our Region Superintendent has made the following recommendations:
• Students can bring in Valentines Cards to share by Monday, February 8th .
• Cards will sit “quarantined” for the week. 
• Teacher can distribute cards on Friday, February 12th .
• Shared food items are still not allowed. Individually wrapped is okay.

If you do not wish your child to participate or receive cards from classmates, please let us know!

Please adhere to the 2/8/21 deadline to send in valentines!

We presently have 29 students in each homeroom. You can leave the names blank and just fill in the "from" part! Keep in mind that our class list has changed many times this year and may change again. 

We will continue our Homonym Study this week with the following words, flash cards to add to our vocabulary ring and a test on Friday:

Whether-weather    which-witch    when-win    whole-hole    know-no    write-right-rite

We will have a new Social Studies Ticket which will be a non-fiction reader task. Due 2/12
We will continue our study of figurative language study this week and move into point of view as well.

We will NOT do a writing prompt this week, but continue with our practice timed prompts the following week.

Math and Science questions should be directed to Mrs. DeLuna at






Sunday, January 24, 2021

Week of January 25th-29th

 Mrs. Deluna has taken over for Mrs. Puckett as of Thursday, January 21st.  Just a reminder she can be reached through class dojo (Mrs. Puckett's account) and she has an e-mail address:

If you need to get a message about a transportation change or absences, please reach out to Mrs. Ray.  Thank you for your patience during this time.



Monday, 1/25
Students will dress in their favorite PJs to represent themselves.

Tuesday, 1/26
Students will dress in camo, so their hunting skills for a good book are sharp.

Wednesday, 1/27
Students will think outside of the box and wear a hat or have crazy hair.

Thursday, 1/28
Students will dress in their favorite sports team attire.

Friday, 1/29

Students will wear crazy socks to remind them to walk in others shoes sometimes.

ALSO: Wellness Wednesday this week!


ELA: This week we will begin a homonym study! Flash cards will be added to our vocab. rings. The following homonyms will be included on our test on next Friday. Students will need to spell the words correctly as well as use them sentences appropriately. 

their, there, they're        two, too, to        your, you're

New Writing Prompt this week! Opinion Prompt about Organic Food! We will begin timing the prompts in 60 minute increments to build up to the 2 hour test. 
We will begin studying Figurative language this week! 
SS - non-fiction passages with text structure is due 1/29. 

Math:  We will finish module 4 this week.  Students will review on Thursday and test on Friday.  Module 4 was a big module it covered multiplying and dividing fractions, relationship between fractions and decimals, and simplifying fractions.  Be sure to go over the review sheet and practice any problems in the module 4 workbook to help prepare for the test.  (There will be no daily math quiz this week due to the Module 4 Test).

Science:  We will be continuing our unit on Weather and Climate this week.  Students will have a water cycle and weather test on Friday.  Students will spend the week reviewing.

Weather is the condition of the atmosphere at a particular time and place. 

Climate is the general weather of an area over a long period of time.

Factors that affect climate: Proximity to water, elevation, and latitude.



Tuesday- P.E.

Wednesday- Music


Tuesday- Art

Thursday- Music

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Week of January 18th-22nd

 No school on Monday in observance of MLK Jr. Day!  Enjoy the long weekend!

We had our 3rd Top Quality Luncheon last week! Way to earn those Top Qualities for taking pride in your work product!


ELA: Next week we will begin a homonym study! The following homonyms will be included on our test on next Friday. Students will need to spell the words correctly as well as use them sentences appropriately. 

their, there, they're        two, too, to        your, you're



New Social Studies ticket: non-fiction text structure packet due 1/29.

Homework Writing Prompt is due on Wednesday 1/20. Color coding, chats and reflections.

New standard address: Point of View and analyzing accounts of the same topic.

Lesson Check on Friday addresses Point of View! 

Math: We are continuing to work through Module 4: we will look at word problems, and division of whole numbers and decimals this week.  We will also look at decimal by decimal division.  Module 4 test will be next week.

Science:  We will be discussing the difference between weather and climate this week.  We will discuss the different types of precipitation (rain, sleet, hail, snow), weather tools, cloud types, and climate zones.  The test for water cycle and weather will be next week sometime, likely on Friday the 29th.  



Friday- Art


Wednesday- P.E.

Friday- Media

Friday, January 8, 2021

Week of January 11th-15th

 Report cards will be sent home on Monday!  Please be sure to return the signed portion at the bottom and the envelope.


ELA: Great first week back! We will hold off on vocabulary again this week in order to allow students time for last week's work jobs. SS-Southern Colonies/bubble sheet due on Friday 1/15. Essay with color coding and reflections due  Wednesday 1/20 with time on Wednesday to finish them up. We will continue our work with Text Structure this week and Independent Practice pages 214-217 are due Friday 1/15. Lesson check on all four types of text structures will be on Friday! 

Math:  We will look at how fractions and decimals are related through multiplication this week.  We will then look at dividing fractions to finish out the week.

Science:  We will begin our unit on the water cycle this week.



Monday- Art

Wednesday- P.E.

Thursday- Music


Wednesday- Art

Friday- Music

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Week of January 4th-8th

Happy New Year!  Students have Monday off for a teacher planning day!  We look forward to seeing all of the kids back on Tuesday!

Report Cards will be sent home on Monday, January 11th.



NO vocabulary this week! RAH is due Thursday and should be completed for 5 days. We will begin working on Text Structure in our Ready book. New SS ticket will be due on 1/15-(The Southern Colonies with a bubble map to be included.) New Writing Prompt to begin Wednesday.  Annotated text and Plan due on Friday.

Math:  We will continue in Module 4 and be working on multiplying fractions by fractions.

The first step when multiplying fractions is to multiply the two numerators. The second step is to multiply the two denominators. Finally, simplify the new fractions. The fractions can also be simplified before multiplying by factoring out common factors in the numerator and denominator.

Science:  We will be working on renewable and non renewable resources.  We will also discuss natural resources found here in FL.

What is a Renewable Resource?

Renewable resources are natural resources that have an unlimited supply.

Renewable resources can be used again and again, and they won't run out.


Plants: trees
Fruit and Vegetables

Florida’s Renewable Resources 
Renewable resources can also be used for renewable energy.
Examples of Renewable Resources in Florida are solar, wind, and water.

Nonrenewable Resources - are natural resources that are being used faster than the Earth can replace them. These resources will eventually run out.

Examples of Nonrenewable resources found in Florida are oil, silica, phosphate, and limestone.



Friday- Media


Tuesday- Music

Thursday- P.E.