Sunday, January 31, 2021

Week of February 1st-5th


Our Region Superintendent has made the following recommendations:
• Students can bring in Valentines Cards to share by Monday, February 8th .
• Cards will sit “quarantined” for the week. 
• Teacher can distribute cards on Friday, February 12th .
• Shared food items are still not allowed. Individually wrapped is okay.

If you do not wish your child to participate or receive cards from classmates, please let us know!

Please adhere to the 2/8/21 deadline to send in valentines!

We presently have 29 students in each homeroom. You can leave the names blank and just fill in the "from" part! Keep in mind that our class list has changed many times this year and may change again. 

We will continue our Homonym Study this week with the following words, flash cards to add to our vocabulary ring and a test on Friday:

Whether-weather    which-witch    when-win    whole-hole    know-no    write-right-rite

We will have a new Social Studies Ticket which will be a non-fiction reader task. Due 2/12
We will continue our study of figurative language study this week and move into point of view as well.

We will NOT do a writing prompt this week, but continue with our practice timed prompts the following week.

Math and Science questions should be directed to Mrs. DeLuna at






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