Saturday, January 2, 2021

Week of January 4th-8th

Happy New Year!  Students have Monday off for a teacher planning day!  We look forward to seeing all of the kids back on Tuesday!

Report Cards will be sent home on Monday, January 11th.



NO vocabulary this week! RAH is due Thursday and should be completed for 5 days. We will begin working on Text Structure in our Ready book. New SS ticket will be due on 1/15-(The Southern Colonies with a bubble map to be included.) New Writing Prompt to begin Wednesday.  Annotated text and Plan due on Friday.

Math:  We will continue in Module 4 and be working on multiplying fractions by fractions.

The first step when multiplying fractions is to multiply the two numerators. The second step is to multiply the two denominators. Finally, simplify the new fractions. The fractions can also be simplified before multiplying by factoring out common factors in the numerator and denominator.

Science:  We will be working on renewable and non renewable resources.  We will also discuss natural resources found here in FL.

What is a Renewable Resource?

Renewable resources are natural resources that have an unlimited supply.

Renewable resources can be used again and again, and they won't run out.


Plants: trees
Fruit and Vegetables

Florida’s Renewable Resources 
Renewable resources can also be used for renewable energy.
Examples of Renewable Resources in Florida are solar, wind, and water.

Nonrenewable Resources - are natural resources that are being used faster than the Earth can replace them. These resources will eventually run out.

Examples of Nonrenewable resources found in Florida are oil, silica, phosphate, and limestone.



Friday- Media


Tuesday- Music

Thursday- P.E.

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