Sunday, December 6, 2015

Week of December 7th-11th

We will continue taking our mid-year assessments this week.  Students will take Math Session 1 & 2 on Wednesday & Thursday.  They will then begin the paper/pencil Science assessment on Friday.

Progress reports will be sent home on Wednesday!

Just a reminder, all field trip money is due by Thursday, December 10th!  You can pay online! :)

Come check out Suessical the Musical on either Thursday or Friday night at 6:00 PM in the cafeteria!  Several of our students are performing!

Congratulations to Peyton & Alba for being named our Eagle of the Month for December, the character trait was Kindness.

Congrats to Maya, Dana, Mariana, Taylor and Gabby on finishing the Girls on the Run 5K this weekend at the University of North Florida!  It was cold and windy but that didn't stop these 5 from finishing.  Great job, girls!


ELA: For vocabulary this week we will be studying commonly misused homonyms.  We will have a test on Friday.

The RRJ that was assigned last week will be due on Friday as will our social studies ticket! Remember this becomes homework if you do not have time to finish in class. 

We will also be starting an FSA practice prompt today to hopefully be completed by Friday!

We completed our ELA district testing but a practice writing test will be coming up next week! Keep up the great effort! :)

This week the secret word is "Writing".  If you are reading the blog write the word on a sticky with your name and give it to Mrs. Ray.  Last week's blog reading winners were Anyssa and Mariana. They got to visit the Bin of Happiness!

Math: Due to district testing this week, we will only complete lesson 2 and 3 from Module 4.  These lessons cover how to interpret a fraction as division.  Videos added below! :)

This week our classes had an opportunity to participate in an Hour of Code!  It was a huge hit and definitely something you can access and work on at home as a family!

Science: We will work through Chapter 6 in our science workbooks.  This will continue our discussion on forms of energy.  We hope to test on forms of energy before winter break!

Monday- Media (Tiberio homeroom-only)/ Art
Wednesday- Music
Friday- P.E.

Module 4 Lesson 2:

Module 4 Lesson 3:

Thank you to all the families who came out to Math & Science night we had a great turnout!  Here are a few pictures from the event!  A big congratulations is in order for Mackenzie who won 1st place for the 5th grade science projects!!  Way to go, Mackenzie!

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