Sunday, February 28, 2016

Week of February 29th- March 4th

FSA Writing Assessment will take place on Monday, February 29th!

Please make sure you have reviewed and signed your child's progress report.  These were sent home on Friday.

Yankee Candle Fundraiser begins on Monday, February 29th, and will run through March 14th.  All orders will be in before Mother's Day!  Please consider supporting BSE!

The Book Fair will take place next week in the media center.  If anyone is able to help out the PTA could use some help!  Here is the link the volunteer: 


No vocabulary this week!  We will resume with vocabulary next week and it will be FSA vocabulary words.  We WILL have an RRJ due this week.  We will also continue with our study of Natural Disasters and practice of standards!

I will combine Bin Of Happiness winners this week.  The new phrase is "Whew! We did it!" in honor of finishing the writing assessment!

Math: We will continue to work through lessons on volume.  This will be covered in the Envisions textbook and through our Duval Math Curriculum.  Students will have homework nightly.  Students can always access i-Ready for additional math support.  Students will take a mid-module assessment on Thursday.

Science: We will wrap up our unit on the human body, students will take a test on Friday.  The test will focus on how different organs work together, why certain organs are important, sense organs, how food moves through the digestive system, and where the types of muscles (cardiac, smooth, & skeletal) are found.  This test will be open book, discuss with your child the importance of using the available resources during tests.

Next week: We will move on to the classification of animals.

Wednesday- P.E.
Thursday- Art

Module 5 Lesson 6

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Testing Calendar for ELA, Math, & Science Testing

Below you will find the dates that your child will be taking the ELA & Math FSA, and the Science FCAT.  Testing will take place from 9-11 each morning.  Please try your best not to plan any appointments or vacations during these dates! :)

ELA FSA: computer based
Monday, April 11th- Session 1- Ray Homeroom
Tuesday, April 12th- Session 1- Tiberio Homeroom
Wednesday, April 13th- Session 2- Ray Homeroom (Early Release)
Thursday, April 14th- Session 2- Tiberio Homeroom 

Math FSA: computer based
Friday, April 15th- Session 1- Ray Homeroom
Monday, April 18th- Session 1- Tiberio Homeroom
Tuesday, April 19th- Session 2- Ray Homeroom
Wednesday, April 20th- Session 2- Tiberio Homeroom

No Testing on Thursday or Friday of this week, unless make-ups are required.

Science FCAT: Paper-pencil
Monday, April 25th- Session 1- both homerooms
Tuesday, April 26th- Session 2- both homerooms

Make ups will take place on any day there is not testing. 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Week of February 22nd-26th

Early Release on Wednesday!

The Jacksonville Public Library will be coming for a visit on Thursday, we look forward to hearing about all the great things the library has to offer!

Florida State Writing Assessment to take place on Monday, February 29th! Get a good night's sleep and come in ready to rock the writing! 


ELA:  In preparation for the FSA Writing Assessment on Feb. 29th, we will not have vocabulary but focus on writing review and practice.  We will have an RRJ due Friday.  Continue to access and complete Achieve 3000 articles at home. 

Bin of Happiness winner was Lejla!  The phrase this week is "Rock the Writing!"

Good job Mariana and crew on the Reader's Theater/puppet show for the RRJ presentation based on Star girl. So creative and fun to watch! SSSTQ all the way!

Math:  We will review the Module 4 Assessment.  We will begin Module 5 which begins our discussion on volume.  We will use cubic unit cubes to explore this concept.  There are no videos for this module, I hope with all the hands on activities this unit will include students will not need the support of the videos.  We will also include some Envision textbook lessons for this unit.

Monday- Lesson 1
Tuesday- Lesson 2
Wednesday- Lesson 3
Thursday- Lesson 4

Science:  We will continue our unit on the human body.  Students will have the opportunity to make life-size human body models this week.  We will have a test on this topic next week, likely on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Monday- P.E.
Tuesday- Art
Wednesday- Early Release/Art
Thursday- Jacksonville Public Library Visit
Friday- Music

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Pencils Needed

Room 121 (Ms. Tiberio) is in need of pencils!  We only have a few packages left to last us the next 2 quarters of school.  If you are able please pick up a package or two! Thank you!
Image result for pencils

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Week of February 15th-19th

We hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend in observance of President's Day!

Message from Ms. Tiberio:
I just wanted to say a big thank you for all of the cards, welcome back posters, treats, and flowers that I received last week.  I knew that these kids would rally for me and support me during this difficult time.  The amount of hugs I received was overwhelming but exactly what I needed.  I was fortunate to have my family by my side this weekend for Matt's services.  Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts.    

Thank you for all of the Valentine treats!  Yummy! Students enjoyed passing out Valentine's on Friday! 

Both classes will have Media this week, so please be sure to return any library books so students can check out new ones.


We will continue our Writing Practice this week with an Informative Prompt.  Our students are doing such an amazing job on the writing!  I hope they have brought home pieces to share with you!  

Due to the short week we will not have vocabulary.  I have carried over some work jobs from last week.  RRJ's with chats due this week.  Vocabulary readers will be due on Friday as well.  We will have a variety of activities to reinforce standards this week.  

Please make sure your child is going on Achieve 3000 at home to complete at least 2 lessons.

Bin of Happiness winners for last week were Mackenzie and Atlanta.  This week's phrase is "Kindness Matters."

Math:  The students have had plenty of time to review multiplying & dividing fractions, we will finish up the remaining Module 4 lessons this week and will test on Module 5 on Friday.  There will be no daily math quiz this week.  We will review all concepts throughout the week so students are well prepared for the assessment.  The last few videos of Module 4 are posted below.

Science:  We will continue to work through Chapter 8 which is covering the human body.

Tuesday- Art/ Media (Ray)
Wednesday - Media (Tiberio)
Thursday- Music

Module 5 Lesson 32:

Module 5 Lesson 33:

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Week of February 8th-12th

Our classes will attend a Code of Conduct Assembly on Monday.  This assembly is meant to review school procedures and rules.  

Early Release on Wednesday.

If students decided to pass out Valentine's, we will take time on Friday to pass these out!  Please see a few posts below for class lists.  If your child decides to participate they need to include everyone in their homeroom.


We will be completing another vocabulary reader activity this week instead of having a vocabulary list so no test on Friday.  We WILL have an RRJ due Friday.  On Tuesday we will continue our writing journey with an opinion prompt due on Friday. 
We will continue in Module 4 of our ELA binder on the topic of natural disasters but adding some short story activities into the mix as well.

Our Bin of Happiness winners for last week were Gaby and Olivia.  The secret phrase this week is 
"Be my Valentine!" 

Math: Math will be structured a little differently this week, the students will work in their Envision Math textbook on Monday & Tuesday to review some concepts we have previously covered.  For homework, I would like for them to get on i-Ready and complete 4 lessons total over the course of Monday & Tuesday evening.  Students may begin to work on these lessons today (Sunday) to get their 4 lessons in.  On Wednesday we will pick up back with our Duval Math curriculum, which continues to cover dividing fractions.

Monday: 2 i-Ready lessons
Tuesday: 2 i-Ready lessons
Wednesday: Lesson 29
Thursday: Lesson 30

Next week, we will review and get ready for the end of unit 4 assessment!  We will plan to assess on Wednesday.  Unit 5 will begin on Thursday and will begin volume!

Science: We will finish up our discussions on plants & animals.  We will have a quiz on plants on Tuesday.  After completing our unit on plants we will move on to the human body!

Tuesday- Music
Wednesday- P.E./ Early Release
Friday- P.E.

Module 4 Lesson 29:

Module 4 Lesson 30:

Module 4 Lesson 32:

Module 4 Lesson 33:

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Top Quality Party Number 2

Congratulations to our students who received Top Quality status and were able to join us for a little celebration!
