Sunday, February 7, 2016

Week of February 8th-12th

Our classes will attend a Code of Conduct Assembly on Monday.  This assembly is meant to review school procedures and rules.  

Early Release on Wednesday.

If students decided to pass out Valentine's, we will take time on Friday to pass these out!  Please see a few posts below for class lists.  If your child decides to participate they need to include everyone in their homeroom.


We will be completing another vocabulary reader activity this week instead of having a vocabulary list so no test on Friday.  We WILL have an RRJ due Friday.  On Tuesday we will continue our writing journey with an opinion prompt due on Friday. 
We will continue in Module 4 of our ELA binder on the topic of natural disasters but adding some short story activities into the mix as well.

Our Bin of Happiness winners for last week were Gaby and Olivia.  The secret phrase this week is 
"Be my Valentine!" 

Math: Math will be structured a little differently this week, the students will work in their Envision Math textbook on Monday & Tuesday to review some concepts we have previously covered.  For homework, I would like for them to get on i-Ready and complete 4 lessons total over the course of Monday & Tuesday evening.  Students may begin to work on these lessons today (Sunday) to get their 4 lessons in.  On Wednesday we will pick up back with our Duval Math curriculum, which continues to cover dividing fractions.

Monday: 2 i-Ready lessons
Tuesday: 2 i-Ready lessons
Wednesday: Lesson 29
Thursday: Lesson 30

Next week, we will review and get ready for the end of unit 4 assessment!  We will plan to assess on Wednesday.  Unit 5 will begin on Thursday and will begin volume!

Science: We will finish up our discussions on plants & animals.  We will have a quiz on plants on Tuesday.  After completing our unit on plants we will move on to the human body!

Tuesday- Music
Wednesday- P.E./ Early Release
Friday- P.E.

Module 4 Lesson 29:

Module 4 Lesson 30:

Module 4 Lesson 32:

Module 4 Lesson 33:

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