Sunday, February 28, 2016

Week of February 29th- March 4th

FSA Writing Assessment will take place on Monday, February 29th!

Please make sure you have reviewed and signed your child's progress report.  These were sent home on Friday.

Yankee Candle Fundraiser begins on Monday, February 29th, and will run through March 14th.  All orders will be in before Mother's Day!  Please consider supporting BSE!

The Book Fair will take place next week in the media center.  If anyone is able to help out the PTA could use some help!  Here is the link the volunteer: 


No vocabulary this week!  We will resume with vocabulary next week and it will be FSA vocabulary words.  We WILL have an RRJ due this week.  We will also continue with our study of Natural Disasters and practice of standards!

I will combine Bin Of Happiness winners this week.  The new phrase is "Whew! We did it!" in honor of finishing the writing assessment!

Math: We will continue to work through lessons on volume.  This will be covered in the Envisions textbook and through our Duval Math Curriculum.  Students will have homework nightly.  Students can always access i-Ready for additional math support.  Students will take a mid-module assessment on Thursday.

Science: We will wrap up our unit on the human body, students will take a test on Friday.  The test will focus on how different organs work together, why certain organs are important, sense organs, how food moves through the digestive system, and where the types of muscles (cardiac, smooth, & skeletal) are found.  This test will be open book, discuss with your child the importance of using the available resources during tests.

Next week: We will move on to the classification of animals.

Wednesday- P.E.
Thursday- Art

Module 5 Lesson 6

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