Sunday, April 17, 2016

Week of April 18th-22nd

Report cards will be sent home on Monday!  Please review, sign and return.

Students will finish up the Math FSA this week.  Ms. Tiberio's class will test on Monday & Wednesday.  Mrs. Ray's class will only test on Tuesday.

The following week: April 25th & 26th students will take the Science FCAT with their homeroom teacher.


Whew!  We are all finished with FSA testing for ELA!  I could not be more proud of the effort I saw put forth on the test.  Now we can continue with our school year and enjoy what's left to learn!
We have begun our new module on the Rain Forest and it has been exciting so far!  We are working on charts, songs and will later research various topics.  We will have an RRJ due this week but no vocabulary test.  We will have a social studies ticket due on Friday as well and talk about the Trail of Tears, later writing a Narrative on this topic. Bin of Happiness Winners were Sophie and Karleigh.  The new secret phrase is : Stay Focused on the FSA!

Please enjoy these pictures of our Rain Forest Learning!

Math: Due to Math FSA testing, we will not work on math until after Wednesday, April 20th.  On Thursday, we will finish up the rest of Module 6 which deals with the coordinate grid systems and number patterns.

Science:  We will spend the week reviewing all science standards, including the scientific method, rocks & minerals, planets, etc...  We will look at many different test questions to prepare students for the multiple choice FCAT they will take on Monday & Tuesday.

Monday- Music
Thursday- P.E./ Top Quality Party
Friday- Art/ Ray-Media

Upcoming Event:
No School, Friday, April 29th
5th grade Promotional Ceremony: Tentative Date of Wednesday, June 8th at 9AM

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