Saturday, April 2, 2016

Week of April 4th-8th

The 3rd quarter ends on Tuesday, April 5th!

Friday is a planning day, students will not have school.  Report cards will be sent home on Monday, April 18th.

FSA Testing will begin Monday, April 11th for Mrs. Ray's homeroom and Tuesday, April 12th for Ms. Tiberio's homeroom. At the bottom of this post you will find the full testing schedule for April.

Even with all the testing coming up, this is probably the most important thing we can teach children!  I am constantly telling our students this and our classes are chock full of kindness!
Ms. Tiberio and I just love these kids!


We have completed our FSA vocabulary!  We will NOT have vocabulary this week.  We will have a social studies ticket due on Thursday as Achieve 3000. Ask your child about his or her latest Lexile results!  We are going up every month! :)
The rest of the week we will be doing last minute reviews for our upcoming FSA test beginning on April 11th.  

Bin Of Happiness winners were Lejla-Lou  and Payton D.
Out new word is "Check the Blog People!" 

Math:  We will test on Topic 14 (Data) on Monday.  This will be the final math grade for the 3rd quarter.  The test will cover line plots, data from surveys, making line plots, and measurement data.  After the test we will begin Topic 16 that will cover coordinate grids.  After each math lesson, we spend time reviewing concepts that were taught all year in preparation for the FSA Test.  I wouldn't normally give a test on a Monday but students have really grasped this concept and we need to keep moving through this math curriculum in order to ensure all standards have been reviewed before the FSA.

Science:  We will review the mock FCAT that was taken last week and will continue to work through practice FCAT questions.  The great thing about the science FCAT is that is still all multiple choice so we will review good test tracking strategies of eliminating answer choices, bubbling completely, reviewing our work, and taking our time.  The Science FCAT is an 80 minute test with a break after 40 minutes...many students were finished before the break during our mock test!  

Wednesday- P.E.
Thursday- Art
Friday- No School

Testing Schedule for April:
ELA FSA: computer based
Monday, April 11th- Session 1- Ray Homeroom
Tuesday, April 12th- Session 1- Tiberio Homeroom
Wednesday, April 13th- Session 2- Ray Homeroom (Early Release)
Thursday, April 14th- Session 2- Tiberio Homeroom 

Math FSA: computer based
Friday, April 15th- Session 1- Ray Homeroom
Monday, April 18th- Session 1- Tiberio Homeroom
Tuesday, April 19th- Session 2- Ray Homeroom
Wednesday, April 20th- Session 2- Tiberio Homeroom

No Testing on Thursday or Friday of this week, unless make-ups are required.

Science FCAT: Paper-pencil
Monday, April 25th- Session 1- both homerooms
Tuesday, April 26th- Session 2- both homerooms

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