Friday, April 29, 2016

Week of May 2nd-6th

On Friday, we will have our FSA Movie Celebration in the cafeteria for those students who earned the party based on their testing effort!

Hopefully, you saw our note about the Suns field trip, this has been changed to a field trip to the bowling alley on Wednesday, May 25th.

On Monday, students will bring home a note about our individual end of year celebration.  Cost is $6.

Students will begin end of course tests in all of their resource classes this week.  These test will take place in the morning during their resource block.

Faculty vs. 5th Grade Kickball Game will be held on Monday, June 6th.  Student behavior during the month of May and 1st week of June will determine if your child gets to participate in the game.  If a student loses 3 or more conduct points they will be unable to play in the game.  This is done to ensure that all behavior stays at its best all year long.  We will send a note home to ensure that you understand these guidelines.

With testing over we will be back full swing into our normal schedule.  While we will not have a vocabulary test this week we will have an RRJ and a social studies ticket.  We will also have a unit assessment on the rain forest. This is not something to study for but participation in the lessons in class will prepare students for this assessment. Writing News: Students have been working hard on narratives on the Trail of Tears.  I am very proud of the final products.

Math:  We will take the end of Module 6 assessment this week, this will take place on Friday.  This is the end of our discussion on the coordinate grid systems, and patterns.

Science: We will begin working in our Health textbooks for the remainder of the year!  We will start by talking about personal hygiene and caring for our ears and eyes! :)

Monday- Media (Tiberio)
Tuesday- P.E. (afternoon-- no test)
Wednesday- Art (8:40-9:50)
Friday- Music (8:40-9:50)

P.E. test will be on Tuesday, May 10th at 8:40

Our incubator with hopefully 9 chicks developing inside!  21 days to find out!! :)

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