Friday, May 20, 2016

Week of May 23rd-27th

We have plenty to keep us busy this week!

Tuesday we will have field day!  5th grade time slots are 10:05-11:15 and then we will go back outside for tug of war from 2:10-2:40.  Please apply sunscreen at home.  Students need to bring plenty of water to school this day!  They may also want to bring towels to sit on, hat, and sunglasses.  Feel free to meet us on the track to cheer on your child.

Wednesday we will have our field trip to the bowling alley!  Chaperones can meet us as Bowl America on San Jose at 9:30.  Students do not need to bring lunch this day as they will receive pizza, chips and a drink.  They may bring additional money to purchase additional food items.  

Thursday is Career Day from 9-11, we will have 6 different careers represented!  We look forward to hearing about several different jobs.

Friday is the Reading Celebration for students who met our book goal of 25 books totaling 3125 pages.  Many students have read way more than that! Way to go!

All party money is due this week, so we can begin purchasing supplies!  Cost is $6.00!  Thank you!

Congratulations to Olivia and Jaci for being named May's Eagle of the Month for responsibility!


No vocabulary due to all of the activities this week!  We will have Rainforest activities all week.
We will also be finishing up RRJs from last week.  We will have a social studies ticket and resume working on Achieve 3000!

Math:  With all the activities going on this week, we will do our best to continue through our 6th grade math lessons!  We will also review past concepts such as place value.

Science:  We will move on to chapter 4 in our health books: Keeping Fit & Active.  This is a short chapter with only 3 lessons, so we will test on Chapter 4 on Friday!  This test is open book!

Tuesday- Field Day
Wednesday- Field Trip
Thursday- Career Day/Art

No school: Monday, May 30th: Memorial Day!

Our final Top Quality party of the year will take place on Wednesday, June 1st.

1 comment:

  1. I love these updates and the two amazing teachers that have led my child to a successful year!
