4th quarter progress reports will be sent home on Tuesday!
Thursday and Friday will be our Multicultural Days. There will be no resources on these days.
Friday, please plan to attend the PTA sponsored Bounce & Boogie night from 6-8pm on the track! There will be food trucks!
End of year i-Ready and Achieve 3000 testing will take place this week for both homerooms.
Upcoming Reading Events: Superintendent's Reading Celebration will be on Saturday, May 14th at Hemming Plaza. Students who have met the book goal will receive a certificate to attend the event.
May 25th--Open house for our school at the South Mandarin Public Library. Raffle and crafts. Just for us! 7-8 pm. M
May 27th End of Year Reading Bash for students who met the book goal. It's not too late to meet the goal and attend!
NEHS is selling wristbands for $1.00 to support the Jacksonville Humane Society! Get one now and help the animals!
We will be back to our regular work jobs this week! We will also continue our study of the Rain Forest. Vocabulary with a test on Friday. RRJ and social studies ticket due Friday. Book /Clubs will meet and discuss novels. Achieve 3000 lessons as well.
Secret phrase this week is : Mrs. Ray Appreciate you!
Math: We will complete the end of year i-Ready testing on Monday! We will also begin working in our Envisions textbooks to complete the Step up to 6th grade lessons. This will cover ratios, unit rates, proportions, etc...
Science: We will continue to work through our Health textbooks. We will finish up chapter 2 which covered personal hygiene, and how to keep our eyes, and ears healthy. We will review this chapter and test on Tuesday. This will be an open book test. We will then move on to chapter 3 which covers nutrition.
Tuesday- P.E.
Wednesday- Art
Thursday & Friday- Multicultural Days
Upcoming Events:
Early Release- May 18th (last one of the year)/ Due date for our Chicks! :)
Play Day- Tuesday, May 24th
Bowling Field Trip- May 25th
Career Day- May 26th
No School- May 30th
Kickball Game- June 6th
5th grade Promotional Ceremony- June 8th 9:00 am in the cafeteria
Individual Classroom Party- June 9th
Last Day of School/Report Cards/5th grade clap out- June 10th (Dismissal at Noon)
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