Sunday, May 29, 2016

Week of May 30th-June 3rd

We hope everyone had a relaxing 3 day weekend!

PARENTS AND STUDENTS!  As the year comes to an end Mrs. Ray would like to get her classroom library organized for next year. Please return all books you borrowed from our class library this week.  Look at home for any books you may have forgotten to return! We are missing quite a few books. Thank you!

Our final Top Quality Party will be this Wednesday!

We  had a couple of fun READING celebrations this week!  Students who "grew" 150 or more points on ACHIEVE, which is a year and a half or more growth, were treated to an ice cream dessert and lunch in the classroom! What an accomplishment!

We also celebrated students who met their 25 Book Reading Challenge with a celebration in the cafeteria.  We are reading machines!  Great job!


We will continue to wrap up our Rain Forest activities.  No RRJ or Social Studies ticket.

Math: We will finish all Step Up to 6th grade lessons!

Science:  We will begin Chapter 5: Planning for Safety.  This is the final chapter we will complete in our health textbooks.  The chapter covers preparing for the unexpected emergency, practicing safety, and fire safety.  They will have their final health test on Friday!

Tuesday- Music
Thursday- P.E.
Friday- Art

Last week of school activities:
Monday- Faculty vs. 5th grade kickball game 10 AM on the track, only students who did not lose 3 conduct points for the last 5 weeks will be able to play!
Tuesday- Health Video
Wednesday- Promotional Ceremony and 5th grade end of year party
Thursday- Individual Class Party!
Friday- 5th grade clap out/ Report Cards sent home/ Dismissal at 12!

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