Sunday, April 30, 2017

Week of May 1st-5th


This week we will enjoy a day full of science activities and labs!  This will be a nice way to review and prepare for the science assessment students will take on Tuesday and Wednesday!  A big thank you to Mrs. Ray for helping to teach science the last couple of weeks.  The students have really enjoyed it!

Progress reports will be sent home on Wednesday.  Please sign and return.

We will have our FSA incentive popcorn party on Friday, May 5th!  Thank you to all the families who sent in boxtops, that is how we are purchasing the supplies for this event!  Students who showed good testing strategies will earn this reward.

ELA: We will be working on Science Monday! Science Camp!!  After testing is complete we will begin literature circles and resume with our normal work jobs.  We will have a social studies assignment as well as an RRJ.  Vocabulary will resume next week!

Math: We are beginning to look at some 6th grade material.  We will discuss ratios, and rates this week.

Science:  Science activities will take place all day Monday!  Students will test on Tuesday and Wednesday.  We will then move on to our health curriculum for the remainder of the year.  We will begin by discussing being a healthy and wise consumer.  We will talk about healthy skin, hair, teeth, etc...

Monday- Ray (Media)
Tuesday- P.E.
Thursday- Art
Friday- FSA Incentive Party 1:40 PM

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Week of April 24th-28th

Students will take the Math FSA this week on Wednesday and Thursday!  They are ready!!

There will be no school on Friday, April 28th.  When we return students will take the Science Standards Assessment on Tuesday and Wednesday.  This test will be paper/pencil.

ELA: We will be working on Science activities all week--annotating past assessments.

Math:  We will continue to review math, by looking at many different math questions and how we should tackle answering these questions on the FSA.

Science:  Mrs. Ray will continue to help review science through various activities.  We will also begin to complete labs and investigations to help continue to build our science knowledge!  These kids are very ready for the science assessment on May 2nd and 3rd!

Wednesday, April 26th: Music
Friday: No School
**Recess will take place the other days**

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Week of April 17th-21st

Students will begin FSA testing this week.  Students will test on Monday and Tuesday of this week for ELA.  Please make sure your child arrives to school on time, gets a good night of sleep, and eats a nutritious breakfast!  Your child will test with their homeroom teacher.  We encourage your child to bring headphones for the reading test, if they do not have any we will supply them.

Image result for good luck clip art

Upcoming PTA Carnival:  We hope everyone plans to attend the carnival on Friday, April 21st.  The PTA is still in need of volunteers to help, middle school and high school students are encouraged to earn volunteer hours as well.

Below is the link to sign up:



I am so proud of the work students have accomplished and know they are prepared to do their best!

No Vocabulary this week due to testing.  We will have an RRJ due by Friday and our Save Bella Point of View stories are also due Friday.  We will be jumping into Science after the testing to support Ms. Tiberio's instruction!

Math: We will continue to review test questions and discuss strategies for attacking difficult word problems.

Science:  Mrs. Ray will work with students on reviewing the mid year assessment the students took in March, she will discuss test taking strategies and how students can annotate the test.  We will review the planets, clouds, and the rotation and revolution of the Earth.

Wednesday- P.E. (2-2:50)
Friday- Art/ Media (Tiberio Homeroom)

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Week of April 10th-14th

We do have school on Thursday, April 13th-- this is our final weather make up day.

We will have no school on Friday, April 14th in observance of Good Friday.

All payments for Field Day shirts are due back by Thursday!  The cost is $11 for youth sizes and $13 for adult sizes.  Our color is lime green.  This is not a required purchase.

FSA Testing for ELA will take place on Monday & Tuesday of the following week!

Continue to get on the FSA practice test site.


ELA: Last set of FSA words for vocabulary this week!  Test grades have not been great so I suggest you STUDY these words and complete your task ticket! Your words begin where it says TEST 3!

We will continue our preparation for the FSA test through a variety of tasks.  We will have an RRJ that will be due 4/19th.
We will not have a social studies ticket this week.

Save Bella text dependent questions are due this week! :)

STRIVE FOR TOP QUALITY IN EVERYTHING YOU DO!  We will be having another top quality luncheon before you know it!

Math:  We will begin our final preparations to review for the Math FSA.  Students will begin to bring review materials home, I encourage you to go over these with your child.  Students can also continue to get on i-Ready to review, as well as working through the FSA practice tests.

Science: We will be reviewing rocks and minerals this week.  Students will be creating an 'All About Rocks' book.  Students will have a quiz on Thursday.

Monday- Art
Thursday- Music
Friday- No School

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Week of April 3rd-7th

We will have early release on Wednesday.  This is the only early release for the month of April!

FSA Practice Test Site: we HIGHLY encourage your student to get on the FSA Practice Site.  We have and will continue to practice this but the more practice they have the better and more comfortable they will feel come test day! They even have answer keys so you can double check their work.  It is encouraged that in math students complete the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade practice test as each test may expose them to different tools they may be required to use on the test.


ELA:  We will continue with our FSA vocabulary words this week.  Some students struggled this week with the test however, it was also evident that some students really studied!  Vocabulary test on Friday along with a reading skills assessment.

Monday we will complete the practice FSA test to familiarize ourselves with the tools on the computer.  We will also take some I-ready skills assessments to check progress on standards.
The Natural Disaster Booklets are due Friday along with RRJs and chats.
New work jobs this week will include more FSA practice questions.

We will continue our study of Natural Disasters this week and also spend some time on Figurative Language!

Congratulations to Mrs. Ray's homeroom for earning Top Dog!  We will be eating some delicious
"Worms in the Dirt" this week as a reward!

Math:   We will finish up our coordinate grid system and review line plots.  Students will have a test on Thursday.  We will then begin to review all topics covered thus far we will begin by looking at place value including decimal place value.

Science:  We will begin reviewing weathering, erosion, and disposition.  We have several fun and interactive activities planned for the week.  Be sure to ask your child the difference between the 3 things later on in the week!

Tuesday- Music
Wednesday- Early Release
Friday- P.E.