Sunday, April 23, 2017

Week of April 24th-28th

Students will take the Math FSA this week on Wednesday and Thursday!  They are ready!!

There will be no school on Friday, April 28th.  When we return students will take the Science Standards Assessment on Tuesday and Wednesday.  This test will be paper/pencil.

ELA: We will be working on Science activities all week--annotating past assessments.

Math:  We will continue to review math, by looking at many different math questions and how we should tackle answering these questions on the FSA.

Science:  Mrs. Ray will continue to help review science through various activities.  We will also begin to complete labs and investigations to help continue to build our science knowledge!  These kids are very ready for the science assessment on May 2nd and 3rd!

Wednesday, April 26th: Music
Friday: No School
**Recess will take place the other days**

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