Sunday, April 16, 2017

Week of April 17th-21st

Students will begin FSA testing this week.  Students will test on Monday and Tuesday of this week for ELA.  Please make sure your child arrives to school on time, gets a good night of sleep, and eats a nutritious breakfast!  Your child will test with their homeroom teacher.  We encourage your child to bring headphones for the reading test, if they do not have any we will supply them.

Image result for good luck clip art

Upcoming PTA Carnival:  We hope everyone plans to attend the carnival on Friday, April 21st.  The PTA is still in need of volunteers to help, middle school and high school students are encouraged to earn volunteer hours as well.

Below is the link to sign up:



I am so proud of the work students have accomplished and know they are prepared to do their best!

No Vocabulary this week due to testing.  We will have an RRJ due by Friday and our Save Bella Point of View stories are also due Friday.  We will be jumping into Science after the testing to support Ms. Tiberio's instruction!

Math: We will continue to review test questions and discuss strategies for attacking difficult word problems.

Science:  Mrs. Ray will work with students on reviewing the mid year assessment the students took in March, she will discuss test taking strategies and how students can annotate the test.  We will review the planets, clouds, and the rotation and revolution of the Earth.

Wednesday- P.E. (2-2:50)
Friday- Art/ Media (Tiberio Homeroom)

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