Sunday, October 1, 2017

Week of October 2nd-6th

Our Fun Run Pep Rally will take place on Wednesday, October 4th.


Morph List #4 this week!  Remember the tests are cumulative! Always study all lists and previous tests.
We will wrap up last week's RRJs this week and there will be no new RRJ this week. Chats for Mrs. Groeteke's homeroom.

This week we will continue working on an opinion writing prompt that we began last week.  "Should Zoos be allowed?"
We had quite a few students who memorized our Pirate Writing Rap and earned some Pirate Booty!
ArrrrrBC!  It's not too can do it!
These girls were the first ones! Way to go Meg and Shyla!

We will also begin our novel study of Esperanza Rising!  This is a truly wonderful book and I am excited for us to get started!  We will cover many standards with this novel and complete some fun activities!

Esperanza Rising cover.jpg

Bin of Happiness Winners of the week are Krisha, Riley and Kynsley.
This week's secret phrase is in honor of our first writing prompt:
Image result for writing clip art free images

Last but not least, the following students have earned a  Prestigious Polite Pig! Now that's some nice alliteration right there! Oink, oink!
Maddison, Mark, and Sumukh!  Thanks for being so well mannered!
Image result for pig clip art

MathOn Friday a graded paper test was returned to students.  Grades of 65% and below qualify for grade remediation.  Completion of a Test Correction Form is mandatory for grade remediation.  Journals and workbooks may be used as reference tools, and I will be available Tuesday morning before school for students.  The test and Correction form are due back Wednesday.
We will take the Module 1 computer based assessment this week.
This week in Module 2 we will write and interpret numerical expressions and compare expressions using a visual model, convert numerical expressions into unit form as a mental strategy for multi-digit multiplication and connect visual models and the distributive property to partial products of the standard algorithm.

Homework Help!

Ultra fine dry erase markers needed!  Students use individual whiteboards and dry erase markers daily.  With three classes rotating through math a day, our current classroom set of markers has depleted! If you are able to help out with this classroom supply it would be greatly appreciated!

Dissolving | Science Educational School Posters
Science: We will complete an aligned investigation this week on classifying solids, liquids, and gases.  We will also begin discussing mixtures and how to separate them.  We will complete a couple different labs on this concept.  We will also have a visitor from the Jacksonville Public Library come and speak with the kids on Tuesday to help them find ideas and research for their science fair projects.  Reminder all projects are due on November 8th!


Tuesday- Music/PE pm
Thursday- Art

Wednesday: Art
Friday: Music

Wednesday: Music
Thursday: PE
Friday: Art & PE

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