Sunday, April 22, 2018

Week of April 23rd-27th

Math FSA testing on Tuesday, April 24th & Wednesday, April 25th!  Parents don't forget to send in your homework assignments for your child.

Our final Early Release of the year will take place on Wednesday.  Dismissal is at 1:40.


ELA: HOORAY!  ELA testing is over!  I know everyone did a fantastic job and worked hard!
This week we will focus on non-fiction reading in the area of Science to boost our knowledge for the Science test next week!  Knowledge is Power!!!  We will be doing science writing, annotating test questions, working with data tables and studying non-renewable energy sources!  What fun!💙
Image result for congratulations clip art You finished the ELA testing!!!!


Science:  Review, Review, Review!  We will play various science review board games, Who Wants to Be A Millionaire reviews, and Jeopardy's to get some last minute prep in without the boring classwork! :)   We will also review Forms of Energy: Sound, electrical, mechanical, chemical, light, heat, etc...

Monday- Media
Friday- Music

Monday- P.E.


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