Sunday, April 29, 2018

Week of April 30th-May 4th

Science testing will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday!  Students will also be completing resource testing this week.

Our end of FSA popcorn party will take place this Friday at 1:30 PM. Students who were in attendance each day for testing and showed great effort and strategies during testing will receive this reward!  Thank you for those of you who turned in box tops, that is how we pay for this incentive! :)

Progress reports will go home on Wednesday.  Please sign and return.


ELA: We will continue supporting Science this week with a Data Table Study!  We will also begin a travel brochure project.  Students will choose a country and use provided resources to create a travel brochure by writing an opinion paper following very specific guidelines.
We will also begin a study of natural disasters.

Math: We will continue working in Module 6.
Lesson 15: Construct perpendicular line segments on a rectangular grid.
Lesson 16: Contract perpendicular line segments and analyze relationships of the coordinate pairs.
Lesson 17: Draw symmetric figures using distance angle measure from the line of symmetry.

Science: State testing this week and our eggs arrive on Tuesday!!!!!!

Thursday: Art

Tuesday- Art

Tue: Music
Fri: PE

Upcoming events:
SSA Science- May 1st & 2nd
Eggs arrive for Chick hatching- May 1st/ Eggs will take 21 days to hatch! :)
Resource testing week of April 30th-May 4th
FSA Movie Incentive Party- Friday- May 4th 1:30PM
End of year Bowling Field Trip- Friday, May 11th: Bowl America
Thursday, May 24th- Career Fair
Monday, May 28th- No School: Memorial Day
Tuesday, May 29th- 5th grade health video
Wednesday, May 30th- Promotional Ceremony 8:45 AM in cafeteria

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