Sunday, December 15, 2019

Week of December 16th-19th

This Thursday marks the end of Quarter 2! 😃We have made it!
The 5th grade Spelling Bee will take place on Tuesday, 12/17 at 9:00 in the cafe.
Representing Mrs. Puckett's class is Vincent, Adaiya, Jason and Emily!
Representing Mrs. Ray's class is Caleb, Leighton, Noah and Brady. Congrats to these students and best of luck!

Holiday Party is Thursday. Money is due by 12/16.  Cost is $6. Students can bring board games.
We have a music assembly in the morning as well! Fun for all!


ELA:  We will be continuing all work jobs from last week to be due on 12/19. This is the end of the quarter, therefore no late work accepted. If you know you are going to be out on the 19th, be sure to turn in all work ahead of time. ⏰

Social Studies flow map of events.
I-ready Independent practice pages 156-161.
Writing Prompt-Homework, opinion prompt.

No RAH over the break! Happy Holidays!

Secret Phrase will resume after the break!
Aliyah and Adaiya were BOTH winners of  Happiness this week!  Claim your prize on Monday! :)


We will test on Module 3 on Tuesday.  We will spend Monday reviewing.  A study guide will come home on Monday.  We will begin Module 4 when we return from break!  Module 4 is multiplication and division of fractions.

Science:  We will continue discussing weathering and erosion.  Students need to understand that weathering is the breaking, and erosion is the movement of the broken sediment.  We will complete a few different labs this week.  We will discuss renewable and non renewable resources when we return in January.

Ray Art-Thurs.

Puckett Art-Mon.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Week of December 9th-13th

We have early release on Wednesday!

Don't forget to send in the $6.00 for our holiday party on December 19th.
Image result for holiday party clip art

New Morph list! #7
Test on Friday 12/13.
Also on 12/13 we will have an I-ready test on Using Details to Infer.  New work jobs to be due on Dec. 18th are a social studies ticket (thinking map) and an independent practice from I-Ready on Summarizing.

                                                       See the source image
The annual 5th grade Spelling Bee will take place on Tuesday 12/17.  We will have our classroom Bee on 12/9 and the top 4 placers will be in the Bee on the 17th! 

Bin of Happiness Winner for the Week is Deena R.  Way to earn that Happiness Deena!
Secret Phrase for the week is:

Math:  Students will complete the mid-year i-Ready test on Thursday and Friday.  We will be subtracting fractions with whole numbers.  Students can use the number line method or the common denominator method.

Science:  We will continue our discussion on rocks and minerals.

Monday- Music/PE
Thursday- P.E.

Monday- Music
Wednesday- Art
Thursday- Music
Friday- P.E.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Week of December 2nd-6th

We hope everyone had an enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday!

Students will begin i-Ready testing this week for ELA.  Math will take place the following week.
On Wednesday, students will take a writing field test.  This will be similar to the format of the FSA writing test students will take in April.

No morphs due to a week of testing and some other things mixed in!
We will continue working on writing by finishing up prompts and working on planning etc.
In reading, we will be working on summarizing as well as making inferences. We will resume new work jobs next week. This week's work job will be to complete a sequence thinking map using the skill of summarizing to retell one of our classroom book a days.
This week I am resuming your opportunity for Happiness!!!
Our secret phrase this week is:
See the source image
Turn it in on a sticky note for a chance to go to the Bin of Happiness!

Math:  We will add and subtract fractions that involve whole numbers & fractions.

Science: We will wrap up our unit on Space, and begin a unit on rocks & minerals.  We will discuss the properties of minerals as well as the 3 different types of rocks.

Image result for types of rocks

Friday- Art/Media

Tuesday- Art
Thursday- P.E..Media

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Week of November 18th-22nd & Nov. 25th & 26th

Image result for field trip don't forgetProgress reports will be sent home on Monday.  Please sign and return.

SAC meeting at 5:30 in the Media Center on Tuesday.  Also, Math Night will take place on Tuesday beginning at 6!  Feel free to come to the SAC meeting to see what it is all about and then join us for Math night.

Holiday lunch for 1st, 3rd, & 5th grade students will take place on Thursday.  You needed to RSVP in order to attend.  We look forward to seeing some of you at lunch!

Friday- Field Trip-- Students who plan to attend will need to bring a bagged lunch.  Students also need to wear comfortable shoes and dress for the weather.

There is no school on Wednesday, Nov. 27th- Friday, Nov. 29th.  We will see everyone back at school on Dec. 2nd.  We hope everyone has a restful, and enjoyable Thanksgiving.


Achieve level set test Tuesday!
Morphs test on Thursday! List #6
Social Studies is due on 11/21.  Writing is due on 11/20.  Intro, two bodies and a conclusion paragraph. Needs to be color coded also!  New prompt will begin Wednesday on WOW! Writing On Wednesdays!
We will be working on summarizing literary texts this week and next week!. (narratives)

We will be working on Writing the two days before Thanksgiving break as well as finishing up any I-Ready reading on Summarizing.

Math:  We are continuing to work through Module 3 which is working on fractions.  We will look at fractions in word problems this week.

Science:  We will look at Earth's place in space as well as moon phases.  We will read another Scholastic News Magazine the two days before Thanksgiving!

Image result for phases of the moon

Monday: Music
Monday 11/25: Art/PM
Tuesday 11/26- Music

Monday- Media
Wednesday- Art
Friday- PE
Monday 11/25: Music

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Week of Nov. 11th-15th

No School Monday in observance of Veteran's Day!  We hope everyone enjoyed the 3-day weekend.

Image result for science fairScience Fair Projects are due Tuesday morning!!  We can't wait to see them.  Don't forget Science Night on Friday beginning at 6PM.

Early Release on Wednesday.  Dismissal will begin at 1:15.

Thursday is the last day to pay for the Alligator Farm field trip!  The cost is $11.00.  If you paid online, we still need the signed permission slip returned.


We will be working on Morphs this week to be tested on 11/21.  New work jobs are: Writing prompt, intro, and 2 bodies paragraphs. Due 11/13.  We will be working on conclusion paragraphs on our next WOW (writing on Wednesdays) 11/13. No RRJ this week but we will have a social studies assignment due on 11/21.  All other assignments should be caught up!  We will be working on Summarizing Literary texts in our Ready-reading book.  We will also continue to talk about theme in poetry.
We have been working hard on Writing and students have rocked it! Way to go!
No new secret phrase this week.  Will  resume next week!

Math: We will continue with module 3, adding and subtracting fractions with like and unlike denominators.

Science:  We our continuing our discussion on planets and the Solar System!  We will also share out our science fair projects!

Wednesday- PE
Friday- Art

Tuesday- Art
Thursday- P.E.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Week of Nov. 4th- 8th

We hope everyone enjoyed the extra hour of rest this weekend!

One week until Science Fair Projects are due!  We cannot wait to see them all.

Students who signed up for flu shots will receive those on Wednesday.

Fifth grade is collecting Slim Jim's for the military!  Please consider donating!  We will be collecting until Friday, November 8th.

No new Morphs.  We will be on hold with our Morphs for a few weeks to resume 11/12 with a test on 11/21.
This week's focus will be on finding Theme in Poetry.  We will finish up our work jobs (SS and RRJ) from last week to be turned in on Friday 11/8. We will also have a Theme partner project due and a source book scavenger hunt.
We will continue to work on Writing with a focus on elaboration and concluding paragraphs this week.  Next week we will begin our first independent prompt.
No new secret phrase since I did not have anyone turn in last week's phrase.

Math:  We will begin adding and subtracting fractions!  This will be the start of module 3.

Science:  We started discussing the Milky Way galaxy on Friday.  We will continue discussing the solar system this week.  Don't forget about those science fair projects!!

Wednesday- Art
Thursday- Music
Friday- Media

Tuesday- P.E.

No School, Monday, November 11th in observance of Veteran's Day!

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Week of Oct. 28th- Nov. 1st

Image result for sign and returnReport Cards will be sent home on Monday.  Please sign and return.

Picture Retakes will take place on Tuesday.

Early Release on Wednesday.  Dismissal begins at 1:15.

5th grade is collecting Slim Jim's or Beef Jerky for the military in preparation for Veteran's Day!  If able, please send in a package or two.

Don't forget to pay for the field trips! An e-mail went home on Tuesday 10/22 about cost and how to pay.


ELA: We are taking a break from Morphs this week to spend some extra time on Writing! We will add elaboration to our plans this week using the Video Games passages.  Elaboration Station!
New work jobs due 11/8 are Social Studies worksheet and a new RRJ.  No creative arts if you did one this past week!  Friday we will take the independent practice for THEME in a drama which is our Ready Reading topic this week! We will also take a short Knowledge is Power quiz on Friday using our Source Books to find the answers to the questions!
No new quote this week due to no entrees for the Bin of Happiness last week!
Here is the quote from last week again!
See the source image

Math:  We will review Module 2 on Monday and students will take a test on Tuesday.  A review sheet will be sent home Monday for you to review with your child.  Wednesday we will begin Module 3 which covers addition & subtraction of fractions.  See videos below to review and assist your child at home.

Science:  We will be wrapping up force & motion.  Students will have a quiz on this topic on Wednesday.  We also have a fun lab planned for Halloween.  Friday we will begin discussing the galaxy!  Science Fair projects are due in 2 weeks-- Tuesday, Nov. 12th!

Monday- P.E.
Tuesday- Art
Wednesday- Music
Thursday- P.E.

Monday- P.E./Music
Thursday- Music

Module 3 Lesson 3:

Module 3 Lesson 4:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Week of Oct. 21st-25th

Thank you to all the families who contributed to help our school raise funds by donating to the Fun Run!  The kids had a great time!

The book fair will be going on all week.  Family night is Thursday from 6-7:30 pm.

Red Ribbon week will take place beginning Wednesday!

PTA Fall Festival will take place on Friday!

Report cards will go home on the 28th.


Test on List #5 Morphs on Friday! 10/25

I decided to carry over our Work Jobs to this week due to many time challenges last week. Therefore our previously assigned RRJ's and SS are due by Friday 10/25.
We will also complete the independent practice in our Ready books pages 100-105 to be completed by 10/25 as a work job.

This week's ready lesson will focus on comparing and contrasting events and settings with a test on Friday along with our Morphs list #5 test.
For WOW: Writing On Wednesdays: This week we will work on finding reasons and evidence to support our Opinions.
Our Bin of Happiness Winner this week is Paisley! 💗 Come and get your Happy!
This week's secret phrase is:
See the source image

Math: We will continue to work through Module 2.  This will cover division with remainders.  We will also discuss the importance of checking work when it comes to solving division problems.  See videos below for additional help.  Next week we will review and test for module 2.  Test will be on Tuesday.

Science:  We will begin our unit on force & motion.  New vocabulary words will be sent home.
Image result for force and motion

Monday- Art
Tuesday- Music/Media

Monday- Media
Thursday- Art

Module 2 Lesson 19:

Module 2 Lesson 20:

Module 2 Lesson 28:

Module 2 Lesson 29:

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Week of Oct. 14th-18th

Image result for boosterthon fun runFun Run is still in full swing!  Thank you to all the families who have helped our school strive to reach its goal!  We love our PTA!!

The Fun Run will take place on Thursday!  For 5th grade the time frame is 1:15-2:15pm.  You are welcome to join us on the track to cheer on your child!  If any parent is interested in helping to mark laps, let Ms. Ray or Ms. Puckett know!  We would love an extra set of hands!

No School Friday!  Friday is a teacher planning day!  We will see everyone on Monday, Oct. 21st!  Report cards will go home on Monday, Oct. 28th.

ELA: New Morphs this week but the test will not be until next week! Hooray! List #5 will be tested on 10/25.

RRJs and SS worksheet are both due this Wednesday, 10/16.  We will continue to work on writing this week as well as our Ready Readings skill of Comparing and Contrasting Characters in a drama.
This week's Bin of Happiness Winner is: Misti! Congratulations! Come and get some of that Happy!

This week's secret phrase is:
See the source image
Write your name and the quote on a sticky note and give to
Mrs. Ray for a chance to be Happy! 💓💓💓💓💓💓

Math:  Students will take the quarter 1 math progress monitoring assessment on Monday. This will cover what we worked on during the first quarter of school.  We will work on multiplication word problems this week as well as begin lessons on division.  See videos below to assist with additional review and homework help.

Science:  Students will take the quarter 1 progress monitoring assessment on Wednesday.  This is a great indicator of student progress during the first quarter.  Students have a vocabulary quiz on Tuesday!  See last weeks post for the words.  We will are working on forms of energy this week.
Image result for forms of energy

Tuesday- P.E.

Tuesday- Art/Music
Thursday- P.E.

Module 2 Lesson 15:

Module 2 Lesson 16:

Module 2 Lesson 17:

Module 2 Lesson 19:

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Week of October 7th-11th

Our Fun Run Pep Rally will be on Tuesday!  We look forward fundraising for our school!

Parents-- please consider a $5.00-8.00 donation so that we can continue with our Scholastic News Magazines.  This is a great resource for science!  Hopefully your child brought home the first magazine we read for you to see. :)


ELA: No morphs this week due to PMA testing. (District Progress Monitoring Assessments)
We will take 2 -60 minute sessions. The first will be Monday and the second will be Tuesday.
Work jobs this week will be to continue with RRJs due 10/11, Amazon Packets due 10/11, and a new social studies work sheet due on 10/16.  We will be working on our Pirate Writing this week.
Our next Ready Reading focus will be comparing and contrasting characters in a drama.
This week's winner of a trip to the Bin of Happiness is: Aliyah!  Yay Aliyah! Come get some happy! 😊
Our new secret phrase of the week is:
See the source image

Math:  We will look at metric conversions this week.  We will also relate fractions to division.  Videos below to assist with homework and extra review.  Students can always work on i-Ready for additional math support at home.

Vocabulary Quiz will take place on Tuesday, October 15th.  We will be discussing forms of energy this week.
light energy- the potential for light to perform work.  This is the only type of energy we can see.
refract- the bending of light as it passes from one substance to another
mechanical energy-  a type of energy an object has due to its motion or position
reflect-  to bounce light, sound, or heat off of a surface
electrical energy-  an electric charge that lets work be accomplished
transparent- able to be seen through
thermal (heat) energy-  the energy an object has because of the movement of its molecules
translucent-  allowing light to pass through, but it will be difficult to see clearly
sound energy-  energy made by vibrations
opaque- no light can pass through
pitch-  the relative frequency (high or low) of a sound as perceived by a listener.
friction-  a force that opposes motion through direct contact (rubbing hands together creates thermal energy)

Thursday- Art
Friday- Music

Monday- Art
Wednesday- PE

Module 2 Lesson 13:

Module 2 Lesson 14:

Module 2 Lesson 15:

Module 2 Lesson 16:

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Week of Sept. 30th- Oct. 4th

The Fun Run is set to kick off next week!  Be on the lookout for information about that.

Reminder: You can pay for all 3 field trips at the total cost is $45.  Information was sent home on Sept. 23rd about this.  You can also send in cash or check.  All money is due by November 11th.


We will resume our study of Morphs this week with list #4 and a test on Friday. Remember all tests are cumulative!

We will continue our study of connecting ideas, concepts and  information in Historical Texts and cause and effect.  We will also continue our Pirate Writing.  Have you earned your Pirate Treasure yet? Memorize our poem and earn your weight in gold...or silver! ArrrrrrBc!

We will have a new RRJ this week due on 10/11 and our Socials Studies is due this Friday, 10/4.

The winner of the secret phrase and trip to the Bin of Happiness this week is Paisley!  Enjoy your trip! 
New phrase is:
See the source image

Math:  We will continue working on multi-digit multiplication.  Students comfortable with the area model can solve equations that way or if they are more fluent with the standard algorithm they can solve problems that way.  I suggest practicing math flashcards nightly so students continue to become fluent with multiplication facts.  You don't even need to purchase flashcards--when you are driving in the car ask your child different multiplication questions: 3 x 4, 6 x 7, 9 x 8.  They should know this quickly without counting on their fingers!!  Videos below to help reinforce classwork/homework.

Science:  No science vocabulary this week.  We will continue to discuss changes in matter.   Chemical and physical changes.  We will complete 2 labs this week about how temperature can affect dissolving rate.

Image result for chemical phyical changesImage result for chemical phyical changes

Monday- P.E.
Wednesday- Music
Thursday- Art/P.E.

Monday- Music
Tuesday- P.E.
Thursday- Music

Module 2 Lesson 5:

Module 2 Lesson 6:

Module 2 Lesson 10:

Module 2 Lesson 11:

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Week of September 23rd-27th

Image result for field tripEarly Release on Wednesday! Dismissal begins at 1:15.

Our field trip to the Marine Science Center will take place on Thursday!  Students need to remember to bring a bagged lunch. They can also bring their decorated jugs to collect shells on the beach.  Students should wear tennis shoes.

Mrs. Puckett will be out on Thursday, Friday, and Monday 9/30.  If you have a transportation change or need to notify us about your child being absent.  Please send to Mrs. Ray.  She will be taking attendance and addressing any transportation changes.

Don't forget about the science fair!  The Jacksonville Public Library is offering a help series. Check out the flyer.


ELA: We will not have new Morphs this week due to Early Release and our Field Trip on Thursday.
You can always get a head start on list 4 for the next week.
We will have a new Social Studies assignment this week in the form of 2 worksheets.  They will be due on 10/4.  Our RRJ is due this Friday 9/28.  You need to complete a chat with classmates in order to get all possible points. We will be working on our Pirate Writing this week.  Attacking the Prompt and Learning the plan format.  Our Ready Reading lesson will focus on Historical Texts and Cause and Effect.  Test on Friday.

This week's Winner of the Bin of Happiness is Caleb!  Good job and be sure to get your happiness!
This week's secret phrase is:
Write it on a sticky note and give it to Mrs. Ray of 🌞!

Math:  We will review the Module 1 assessment on Monday.  Then we will move into Module 2.  Module 2 will cover multi-digit multiplication and division.  See below for helpful videos.  Daily Math Quiz on Friday!

Science:  We will complete a couple labs this week, about how temperature and stirring can affect the dissolving rate of salt or sugar in water.  We will also discuss how surface area can affect the dissolving rate.  No vocabulary test this week or next.  Science Quiz on Friday covering mixtures and solutions.

Tuesday- Art
Wednesday- Music/Media

Monday- P.E.
Tuesday- Media
Friday- Art

Module 2 Lesson 3

Module 2 Lesson 4

Module 2 Lesson 5:

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Week of Sept. 16th-20th

Progress reports will be sent home on Monday!  Please sign and return.

School Advisory Council meeting Tuesday evening at 6PM in the Media Center.  Come learn about what is going on around BSE!  All are welcome to attend.

Fall pictures will take place on Thursday. This will be the photo used for the yearbook.

No weekly workouts this week!


New Morph list #3 with a test on Friday, 9/20.  Remember these tests are cumulative so study lists 1,2 and 3. Keep up with your flashcards and use this tool to study for the test!

We will continue our social studies this week and turn it in on Friday.  Time for our second RRJ to be due on 9/27. No creative arts options yet!  Our Ready lesson this week will focus on finding relationships between, events, topics, and concepts in scientific and technical texts in order to understand them. We will have a test on this on Friday.  We will continue to work on summarizing.

See the source imageThis week begins our Pirate Writing!  

We will kick it off with a poem to help us remember all the pieces to include in our essays!  Students who memorize this poem will be rewarded in Pirate's Gold!

Our Bin of Happiness winner this week is Brianne!  Happiness is coming your way!
Our new secret phrase is:

Math:  We will finish up module 1 on Wednesday by discussing multiplying and dividing with decimals.  We will also look at some word problems.  Students will bring a review sheet home on Thursday to study.  Test is on Friday!!!!  Daily Math Quiz will be on Thursday so students don't have a quiz and test on the same day.  Great videos below to review lesson concepts.

Science:  Science Vocabulary Quiz on Friday!!  The words are still available on the blog but under last weeks posting.  We will discuss the differences between mixtures and solutions.

Image result for mixtures and solutions
Image result for mixtures and solutions

Monday- Art
Tuesday- Music
Wednesday- PE

Wednesday- Music
Thursday- Art

Module 1 Lesson 14:

Module 1 Lesson 15:

Module 1 Lesson 16:

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Sept. 6th & Sept. 9th-13th

We hope everyone made out okay after the hurricane.  We look forward to seeing everyone back on Friday.

We hope to see everyone at Open House at 6PM on Thursday, Sept. 12th at 6PM!  We will share a lot of good information.

Students will complete baseline testing this week for all of their resource classes: Art, Music, & PE


Another productive week in ELA. We had our first Morph's test and will have a test on list #2 on 9/20.  We will work on getting all flashcards updated because the tests are cumulative.

We finished up summarizing last week with our 10 Buck Summaries and will move onto Inference this week in our I-Ready reading book.  I am still finishing up RRJ chats so we will not have a new RRJ this week.  We will have a SS ticket on the peoples of the Northwest.  This will be due on 9/20.
We will continue our study of grammar in our "There is no Glamour in Incorrect Glamour" lessons!
Remember RAH logs are due every Thursday!  This is a homework grade and will impact your average if you do not turn them in every week. 📕📑

Our Classroom-Book-A-Day is going well and we have read 17 picture books so far! yahoo!
I will be adding an extra credit option this week.  On your own time, you may write a "5 sentence 5 star review".  Tell about the book and what you liked or did not like about it.  Follow Mrs.Ray's Writing Rules for Life and make it Top Quality to earn up to 5 points toward a low grade. (Maximum of 20 extra credit points per 9 weeks.)
Our Bin of Happiness winner this week is Andre F.  Collect your Happiness on Monday!

Finally, we learned about Frida Kahlo this week and read a Classroom-Book-A-Day called Frida,
See the source image
Our new secret phrase is a quote by this wonderful artist!

See the source image

Math: Check out the videos below to help with homework or to review material covered in class!  We will continue to work on subtracting decimals, multiplying decimals, dividing decimals.

Science:  We will be working on Properties of Matter this week, we will complete a lab this week that deals with separating mixtures.  Students will separate mixtures based on their properties.  Students will have another vocabulary quiz for science.  Students will have access to the words on the blog, and it is also stapled in their planners.  The quiz will be on Sept. 20th.

Vocabulary Words:
characteristic- A feature, quality, property, or trait of an object or organism
properties of matter- used to describe matter (e.g. mass, volume, color, texture, size, and temperature)
state of matter-  The form matter can take (e.g. solid, liquid, gas)
solution-  a mixture that has the same composition throughout because all are the parts are mixed evenly (example:  lemonade)
liquid-  the state of matter in which a substance has a definite volume but no definite shape
gas-  the state of matter in which a substance does not have a definite shape or volume
classify-  to arrange in a specific order or group by categories based on similarities
matter-  anything that takes up space and has mass
mixture-  a combination of two or more different substances in which the substances keep their identities (example:  trail mix)
dissolve-  to form a solution with another substance.  The substances are spread out evenly and you cannot see the separate substances in the mixture.
solid-  the state of matter in which a substance has a definite shape and a definite volume
Image result for properites of matter

Weekly Workouts:
Students will get their first set of workouts the week of Sept. 9th!  I ask that parents initial each day that they complete the workouts.  I give 3 workouts for the week, students can choose to complete them whenever they would like throughout the 4 days.  I will check signatures on Friday.

Friday, Sept. 6th- Art/P.E.
Monday, Sept. 9th- Music

Friday, Sept. 6th- Music
Wednesday, Sept. 11th- Art
Friday, Sept. 13th- P.E.

Helpful Math Videos:
Lesson 10

Lesson 11:

Lesson 13:

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Week of August 26th-30th

Our first early release will take place this week.  Dismissal will begin at 1:15.


ELA: We completed another week of new routines and establishing work habits!  This week we will continue with our focus on finding Main Idea and add to it the skill of Summarizing informational text. This will be helpful when we begin working on our text based writing next week!  Be prepared to dive into some "Pirate Writing"!  You will have to wait to see what I mean by that! 😉 Our Social Studies and RRJs will be due this Friday and I will begin modeling RRJ Chat Groups with all students.  We finished our I-Ready and Achieve testing and students have had DATA CHATS.  They will be bringing home their work jobs journal to share their data with families very soon! 🎉🎉🎉
We will begin some "There's no Glamour in Incorrect Grammar" language lessons this week. ✎

We will also have our first vocabulary test on Friday.  We will begin a study of Morphs-word parts such as prefixes and suffixes.  Our test will be on list #1 only!

Finally, we have our first winner for the Bin of Happiness and it is Makayla! Congratulations! See Mrs. Ray for some Happiness!!!
This week's secret phrase is:
See the source image
Write it down on a sticky note and give it to Mrs. Ray for your chance at "Happiness"!

Math:  We will work on comparing, rounding, adding & subtracting decimals this week.  See the videos below to help review these concepts.  Students will receive homework a couple nights this week.  The videos can help assist with homework.  Students will have a math quiz every Friday.  It covers many different standards that are a review, students can bring their daily math packets home to study each week--in fact it is encouraged! :)

We will discuss the roles of scientists and different scientist tools that are used.  We will complete a lab detailing the scientific method. Students will have a science quiz on Friday that covers the scientific method.  We will also have a science vocabulary quiz on Friday 8/30.  See vocabulary words to study below. Next week we will begin properties of matter.
Vocabulary words:
Observation- Information about the natural world gathered through the senses and/or scientific instruments.
Conclusion- A statement that tells what an investigation showed, based on observations and data.
Analyze- to examine methodically be separating into parts and studying their inter relatedness.
Data- Measurements or observations collected and recorded in an experiment or investigation.
Investigation- An organized scientific study of the natural world that may include making systematic observations, asking questions, gathering information, analyzing data, summarizing results, drawing conclusions, and/or communicating results.
Predict- To state what one thinks will happen under certain conditions based on data or observation.
Variable- An event, condition, or factor that can be changed or controlled in order to study or test an hypothesis in a scientific experiment.
Valid- A term used to describe the certainty of data or results of an investigation or experiment.
Experiment- A scientific test or procedure that is carried out under controlled conditions to answer a specific question.

Wednesday- Art/Early Release
Thursday- Music/Media

Tuesday- P.E.
Wednesday- Media/Early Release

Math Videos:

Module 1 Lesson 6:

Module 1 Lesson 9:

Module 1 Lesson 10:

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Week of August 19th-23rd

Woo!!  We have survived the first week of school!  We are off and running...

There will be a SAC meeting this Tuesday night, August 20th, at 6PM in the Media Center.  All are welcome to attend to hear about things going on at our school.


ELA:  Hooray for the wonderful first week we had!  😊We put many routines into place last week and we will continue to do so this week.  On Monday and Tuesday we will have  I-ready Testing.  Please bring your headphones/earbuds for the test.🎧
Our first RAH will be due on Thursday so make sure you are reading and recording your pages nightly.
This week we will continue working on Main Idea and finding Key Details.

We will begin working on our first Reader's Response Journal entry (RRJ) with an RRJ Chat.  Make sure you have a chapter book with you at all times! 💓 This will be due on 8/30/19.

We will get our first TASK Sheet this week to introduce our Work Jobs. Book Jackets will be due by 8/23/19.  We will also have our first Social Studies Ticket to be due on 8/30/19.

The Secret Phrase for the this week is:
See the source image
Write this phrase on a sticky note and give it to Mrs. Ray with your name on it for a chance to win a trip to the Bin of Happiness!!!!!!

Math:  We are working on place value.  Students need to know how to multiply and divide numbers by powers of 10 as it relates to decimals.  Students will also take the i-Ready computer baseline on Thursday & Friday.  See videos below that discuss the lessons we have covered this week.  Students will take a daily math quiz every Friday.

Science:  We are continuing to learn about scientific investigations.  Students should begin brainstorming for their science fair projects.  More information will come home at the beginning of September.

Tuesday- Art
Wednesday- Music/P.E.

Monday- P.E.
Wednesday- Music
Friday- Art

Math Videos:
Module 1 Lesson 2

Module 1 Lesson 3:

Module 1 Lesson 4:

Module 1 Lesson 5:

Monday, August 12, 2019

Week of August 12th-16th

See the source image  Happy first week of school!  We are looking forward to a great 2019-2020 school year!  This week will be all about rituals and routines.  We plan to start the week with a team meeting with both homerooms together.  We are big on creating a culture of students who love to learn and work together.

Students will also begin baseline testing for science, Achieve and i-Ready.  We will also begin setting up notebooks, and binders and begin introductory lessons in all our core subjects.  Be sure to check the blog each week for lesson specifics and upcoming events.

Tuesday- Art with Mrs. Parrish

Thursday- Art with Mrs. Parrish

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

First Week of School

We look forward to meeting everyone at orientation on Thursday, August 8th.  We are looking forward to a great 2019-2020 school year!!


Mrs. Puckett & Mrs. Ray

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Last Week of School

Image result for school closed summer

Here are the events planned for the last week of school:

Monday- No School!

Tuesday- Health Video 9AM, we will also practice for our promotional ceremony in the afternoon.

Wednesday- Promotional Ceremony-- this will take place in the cafeteria at 8:45.  We will then head out to the airnasium for pictures, cookies and juice.  A big thank you to our PTA for providing the refreshments.

Thursday- Our class party will take place, students can bring in board games.  Students will receive a beach ball to have their fellow 5th graders sign.  We suggest bringing a sharpie this day!

Friday- End of year clap out will begin around 11:30.  Dismissal is at noon.

We hope everyone has a great summer!  Best of luck to our kiddos in middle school and beyond!!

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Baby Chicks

We have 4 healthy baby chicks!!  We have been enjoying them in class!  They will be picked up on Friday.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Week of May 20th-24th

Busy week of end of year activities taking place this week!  Please don't forget to send in the $7.00 for our class party that will take place on Thursday, May 30th.  Money is due by Friday, May 24th.

FSA Movie Incentive Party from 1:30-2:50 in the cafeteria, students who earned this reward will be invited.

Field Day 1:15-2:30 on the track!  Feel free to join us!

Last early release, dismissal at 1:40

Patrol Field Trip
Reading Celebration
Career Day
Our chicks will be picked up on Friday!



Math:  We will continue to work through 6th grade standards and review multi digit multiplication and division.

Science/Health: We will keep reading through the health book about the importance of a healthy diet and physical activity.

Thursday- Music
Friday- P.E.

Thursday- P.E./Music

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Week of May 13th-17th

End of course exams for Music, Art & P.E. will take place this week.

Achieve testing will take place on Tuesday.

Our Bowl America Field Trip is on Friday!  Students will be provided with lunch-- pizza and a drink.  We suggest students bring a snack for when we return.

Our end of year party will take place on Thursday, May 30th.  The cost is $7.00 for Zaxby's chicken tenders, chips, drink, and dessert.  Please submit the money by Friday, May 24th.


ELA: Achieve testing on Tuesday! We will be celebrating our yearly growth on Achieve this week!  I am so proud of the effort and achievements made in this program! You rock!

We will continue to work on our Travel Brochures!  We will also be writing reflection essays to finish off your last year in elementary school.  Finally, we will create Survival Guides for the upcoming 4th graders to welcome them into 5th grade next school year and encourage them to do their best.

Math:  We will begin working on 5th grade standards-- ratios, proportions, surface area, etc...

Science: We will be continuing through the health curriculum.  We will discuss caring for your body, teeth, hair, nails, etc...  Information went home about the upcoming 5th grade health video that will be shown on Tuesday, May 28th.  Please e-mail us if you have any questions or concerns.  The video is available for your viewing at the link provided on the form.

Friday- Art

Wednesday- Art